Getting Started
Process at a High Level
Create Image step is optional. It is only required if the default image does not fit your needs.
Step 1 : Create Account
Step 2 : Setup Environment
Development Environment Setup [PENDING: UPDATE LINK]
The IAM role is just for the purpose of getting the boto3 code to work. We will be creating IAM user instead of role. This will be covered in the next step. Things covered in this video:
- Create IAM user called awsadmin with administrator access using AWS console.
- Create access keys for awsadmin.
- Download access keys for awsadmin. This is used for programmatic access by boto3 code.
- Install AWS CLI.
- Run aws command to get caller identity from command line.
- Verify that the AWS account ID matches the AWS account ID is the AWS console.
- Setup environment variables for access keys.
- Create IAM role using boto3.
- Make boto3 use the right credentials.
- Run to check account used by boto.
- Update credentials file.
- Verify boto3 is using the right account.
- Check in AWS console that the IAM role is created.
- Use awsdev role to list the secrets in AWS Secrets manager
Step 3 : Create IAM User
You have two options: Create IAM User Programmatically or Create IAM User using AWS Console
Use the IAM user created for development and demonstrate the packer development workflow using that user’s credentials.
Prerequisite : The awsadmin user with administrator access exists and the access keys are setup.
- Use aws CLI to check account ID
- Verify account ID in AWS console
- Run to make sure boto is using the same account
- Create aws-dev user for development using
- This user will have full EC2 and Secrets Manager permission
- Run to create IAM dev user
- Verify aws-dev user is created with the proper permission in AWS console
- Copy access keys printed in the program output
- Clone project
- Go to project root directory
- Export access keys for dev user as environment variables
- Check Packer version
- Run
packer format
command - Run
packer validate
command - Run
packer build
The build failure will be fixed in the next video. Instead of creating the IAM user programmatically, you can also create it in the AWS console with the same policy used in the code.
Step 4 : Create Custom Image
This video covers:
- Email showing request for accessing AWS resources
- Run
packer build
command - Build failure when making AMI public
This issue is addressed in next video.
Step 5 : Share Packer Image
Packer Public Image video covers:
- Run aws command to disable image block public access
- The AWS account used is created to share all images with public
- Build image using Packer
- Note the AMI ID and the AWS region
- Check AMI is in the AWS console in the correct region and it is public
This step is optional. You can turn off sharing the image in your Packer template.
Step 6 : Provision a Server
Terraform Provision video covers:
- Copy AMI ID from packer build output
- Check it matches the AMI ID in AWS console
- Select the region in the UI that is the same region used in Packer template
- Open terraform/ in project
- Change the tag version to the same value as Packer template
- Run
terraform fmt
command - Run
terraform validate
command - Upgrade terraform by running
brew upgrade terraform
- Fix error by running
terraform init
command - Run
terraform apply -auto-approve
- Copy public IP and ror-secret name values in the terraform output
- Go to AWS console -> instances
- Copy public IP in the networking tab
- Set ROR_SECRET_KEY environment variable to output value in the terminal
- Go to javascript directory
- Run
node keyDownload.js
to download the PEM file - SSH into EC2 instance using the downloaded PEM file and public IP
- Ping caddy
curl localhost
- Ping goss healthcheck endpoint
curl localhost:8080/healthz | jq .
Step 7 : Setup DNS Records
Mapping IP Address to Domain Name
Step 8 : Capistrano Setup
- Setup SSH connection for Capistrano
- Deploy Rails 7 app using Capistrano to EC2 instance
You can see the Capfile, deploy.rb, Gemfile related to Capistrano setup in Rails 7 demo app for Capistrano